About the designer

My name is Alma Jean Dacre Walsh, Jean from my mothers side, and Dacre from my father’s, and I am a fashion designer.

It started when I was a kid, I would always want to dress up in princess dresses and watch all the movies with beautiful women wearing beautiful clothing. As I grew up I started to get bullied for the way I looked, for years this depleted my self esteem until I became shameful of who and what I was, until one day I decided that it was enough. I picked myself out of the gutters and started exploring the world of self respect in the form of fashion. I wanted to stand out and be recognized, not just for other people's expectations, but for my own self. I surrounded myself with wonderful people including my amazing teachers and my first true friends who had helped me in their own ways to grow up and reflect on my life.

I was 15 when I realized that fashion is my calling. It was like a voice that had always been ringing in my head and that I finally listened to. A burst of inspiration boosted me into learning how to draw and sew garments to express these visions of beautiful clothing I had been relaying in my head for as long as I can remember. I have never been as driven, or as motivated to get what I want.

I am proud to say that I am ready to breach the world of fashion and show it what I am capable of.